Topology - A Continuous Learning Experience

To avoid a spooky ghost crew, I modeled a man and woman with the same topology optimized for animation. After initial studies in muscular structure and proportion, I dove into ZBrush. I blocked out the body with ZSpheres and refined it with Dynamesh. Between ZRemesher and classic arm-wrestling with Maya LT, I reduced the poly count down to about 10K quads for one character. Depending on performance, I might reduce it further in the future. Because I approached modeling with the end goal of real-time animation, I wanted to create the best topology possible for smooth and clean deformation. Each model since my first has been an experiment in topology, and I have used that experience with prior characters to create the current body. Body Topology The knees and elbows both have an extra edge loop on the outside corner of the joint. Since these areas deform intensely, the extra geometry distributes weighting across the area and retains volume...